Become an awesome UX Designer

Learn the skills that will allow you to work anywhere in the world, earn a good income, and be creative.

How long does it take to complete the UX design course?

If you can dedicate 10 hours a day this can take 5 weeks to graduation. Most students complete this in 10-12 weeks.

What you get from this course

  • UX designers can benefit from mastering these five applied skills: research, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping, and visual communication.

  • UX designers must have certain “soft skills” to approach team members, participants, and projects. Some examples are: curiosity, empathy, communication, collaboration, and more.

  • At the end of this course, you will have real world case studies in your portfolio that will be your main tool for applying to UX roles.

  • This certificate will show hiring managers that you know how to bring value - and apply scientific methods- to solve user and business problems.

  • You will have a better chance of finding work when you have a well-respected UX professional as a coach and mentor. The instructor will make sure you are ready for the world.

Benefits of UX Design

  1. Pay is good

  2. Flexible hours

  3. Work anywhere in the world

  4. No formal education required

  5. Be a specialist or a generalist 

  6. Be in tech without knowing how to code

  7. Be in-demand for full-time jobs and freelance gigs

  8. Collaborate with cool people in UX and other departments

  9. Capture insights that founders and leadership team want to know

  10. Work with a process that inspires creativity from others

  11. Time flies when you work on projects

  12. UX is something you can do your whole life and never get bored.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

THUNKacademy is designed to make sure each UX graduate who completes the courses is satisfied with the results. The goal with the program is to get you a career in UX - or be able to apply the user-centric methodologies learned to your future career.

We have a vested interest in your success and will coach and mentor you through your career. For any reason you want to cancel or leave the program we will honor your request and you pay nothing. Like the UX profession, this course is results-driven.

The cost

The UX Design Certification Course will cost $4,500. You can pay in installments or all at once. This includes meetings with the instructor once you sign up, during each project, and also when you get stuck.

Mentorship will be included and will be ongoing throughout your UX career.

Skills breakdown

During the class you will be doing a fairly equal part of these tasks. You will need to get proficient in Figma, Miro, Maze, Google Workspace, Asana, and more.

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